Mezzmo vs. Mezzmo Pro Comparison
See below for a detailed summary of the extra features you receive with Mezzmo Pro.
| Mezzmo | Mezzmo Pro |
Stream all popular video formats | | |
Stream all popular music formats | | |
Stream all popular image formats | | |
Stream all popular subtitle formats | | |
Stream DVD rips & Blu-ray rips | | |
Stream DVD ISOs & Blu-ray ISOs | | |
Stream URLs from popular video, music & photo web sites such as YouTube, Dailymotion, Soundcloud, CNN, NBA, BBC, etc. | | |
Stream gapless music | | |
Stream live video and audio | | |
Stream capture devices such as webcams, PC desktop, microphones, etc. | | |
Rip Audio CDs as MP3 or WAV files | | |
Unlimited number of files in Mezzmo library | | |
Unlimited Mezzmo library size | | |
Folders & Playlists
| Mezzmo | Mezzmo Pro |
Folders (with 1:1 folder representation) | | |
Auto refresh folders to keep them up-to-date | | |
Playlists | | |
Smart playlists | | |
Active playlists | | |
Linked playlists | | |
Auto refresh linked playlists to keep them up-to-date | | |
Export playlists | | |
Unlimited number of folders & playlists | | |
Choose the folders and playlists to share with devices and users | | |
| Mezzmo | Mezzmo Pro |
Stream all popular video formats (MPG, MKV, VOB, AVI, etc.) | | |
Parse video filenames for movie name, year, TV series, season, episode, etc. | | |
Read all popular external metadata files (.NFO, .XML, .TGMD, etc.) | | |
Collect text metadata, posters and backdrops for movies from online movie web sites | | |
Collect text metadata, posters and backdrops for TV shows from online TV show web sites | | |
Edit all attributes including title, description, genre, tagline, actors, directors, producers, keywords, content rating, IMDB link, poster, backdrop & more | | |
Set preferred audio language (English, German, etc.) | | |
Set preferred subtitle language (French, Spanish, etc.) | | |
Stream external subtitles, embedded subtitles or burn subtitles | | |
| Mezzmo | Mezzmo Pro |
Stream all popular audio formats (MP3, FLAC, M4A, OGG, etc.) | | |
Collect text metadata, posters and backdrops for music tracks, artists and albums | | |
Edit all attributes including title, album, artist, track, disc, genre, writers, producers, content rating, poster, backdrop & more | | |
Create gapless music tracks | | |
| Mezzmo | Mezzmo Pro |
Stream all popular image formats (JPG, PNG, BMP, etc.) | | |
Stream all popular RAW digital camera formats | | |
Collect EXIF and ITPC text metadata | | |
Edit all attributes including title, album, date taken, genre, keywords, EXIF, ITPC, GPS & more | | |
Content Ratings & Parental Control
| Mezzmo | Mezzmo Pro |
Content ratings for files | | |
Content ratings for folders & playlists | | |
Restrict listing files, folders & playlists on devices and
web browsers based on content rating | | |
Set time period for content rating restriction (e.g. 6:00AM to 9:00PM) | | |
Enter PIN code to bypass content rating restrictions | | |
| Mezzmo | Mezzmo Pro |
Maintain individual files to update particular files | | |
Maintain folders and playlists to update a collection of files | | |
Maintain complete Mezzmo library to update all files | | |
Schedule daily maintenance to keep library up-to-date | | |
Online Channels & Plugins
| Mezzmo | Mezzmo Pro |
Access online channels such as Twitch, Movie Trailers, TuneIn Online Radio, TED Talks, ShoutCast Radio, 500px, etc. | | |
Access to new online channels | | |
Access to third-party channels & plugins | | |
| Mezzmo | Mezzmo Pro |
Transcoding video, music and photos on-the-fly | | |
Pre-transcode video, music and photo files | | |
Fast hardware transcoding via Nvidia NVENC | | |
Fast hardware transcoding via Intel Quick Sync Video | | |
Fast hardware transcoding via Microsoft Direct3D | | |
64-bit transcoding | | |
| Mezzmo | Mezzmo Pro |
Stream video, music, photos & subtitles to DLNA & UPnP devices | | |
Stream video, music, photos & subtitles to DLNA & UPnP software apps | | |
Stream video, music, photos & subtitles to Mezzmo Android app | | |
Stream video, music, photos & subtitles to web browsers | | |
Stream inside your home | | |
Stream outside your home | | |
Number of device profiles included | 300+ | 300+ |
Web Interface
| Mezzmo | Mezzmo Pro |
Browse and stream files on popular web browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, Internet Explorer, etc.) | | |
Create user accounts for accessing Mezzmo server via web browser | | |
Personalize user accounts with custom homepages, shared folders/playlists and content rating restrictions | | |
Share permanent links on blogs, Facebook, Twitter, etc. | | |
Play To
| Mezzmo | Mezzmo Pro |
Right-click Play To menu on files, folders and playlists | | |
Play To pane | | |
Play To using web browser | | |
Digital Media Controller (DMC) features including Play, Stop, Seek, Volume, Mute, Shuffle, Next File, Previous File | | |
Application Languages
| Mezzmo | Mezzmo Pro |
English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Greek, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Vietnamese, Arabic, Slovak, Hungarian, Turkish, Hrvatski, Czech | | |
License, Upgrades & Cost
| Mezzmo | Mezzmo Pro |
Lifetime license | | |
Free upgrades | | |
Cost | Free | $29.95 |