Mezzmo lets you add your collection of TV shows and stream them to your devices and web browsers. You can organize your TV shows how you like - for example, a 1:1 representation of your folders, or organized by attributes such as TV series, Season, Episode, Genre, Actor, etc.
All popular video formats are supported. Formats that are not compatible with your devices or web browsers are automatically transcoded.
All popular subtitles are supported - including external subtitles, embedded subtitles and burning subtitles.
Mezzmo can pick up the TV show name, the season number and episode number for your TV show video files if you follow Mezzmo's supported file naming styles. See Supported file name styles.
Mezzmo collects TV show metadata and artwork from various sources when you add your videos into Mezzmo or when you maintain your Mezzmo library:
You can control where Mezzmo collects metadata using the Metadata Retrieval Settings dialog.
Mezzmo Windows displays and lets you edit all the metadata and artwork in the Properties dialog.
Mezzmo server delivers text metadata to your devices and web browsers. Mezzmo Android displays all text metadata and artwork. Web browsers also displays all text metadata and artwork. Most DLNA devices may only display the title and description of a video.
When you install Mezzmo, it installs a default set of playlists - including the following for your TV show collection:
These playlists let you browse your collection of TV shows. You can edit, change, move or delete these playlists as you wish.
You can easily extend the number of playlists for your TV show collection by creating your own smart playlists and active playlists in your Mezzmo library.
Tip: When a video is detected to be a TV show, then the Category attribute for the video is set to TV show. You can use this Category value when creating smart playlists and active playlists.
Mezzmo lets you add, organize and stream your DVD rips and DVD ISOs. Mezzmo automatically finds all the videos in your DVD and adds them into your Mezzmo library.
Mezzmo lets you add, organize and stream your Blu-ray rips and Blu-ray ISOs. Mezzmo automatically finds all the videos in your Blu-ray and adds them into your Mezzmo library.
If you have a video file that contains more than one episode, then you can tell Mezzmo about what epsiodes are in the video file using a matching .NFO external metadata file. You create .NFO metadata files using media manager/organizer software tools. The .NFO file will have the <multiepisodenfo> tag inside it to denote it is describing multiple episodes. Mezzmo reads each episode information from the .NFO metadata file and creates a summary of all episodes in the title and description fields for the video file.
When your TV shows have multiple audio channels, you may want Mezzmo to only stream a certain audio language (e.g. English) so you don't get the wrong language audio played.
To set the preferred audio language for all your TV shows, go to the Options dialog (Streaming page) and set your preferred audio language. This will be applied to all your videos.
To set the preferred audio language for a particular TV show, right-click on the video in Mezzmo and click Properties. On the Properties dialog, go to the Video tab and set the Preferred audio channel.
When your TV shows have multiple subtitles (external or embedded), you may want Mezzmo to only stream a certain subtitle language (e.g. English) so you don't get the wrong language subtitles displayed.
To set the preferred subtitle language for all your TV shows, go to the Options dialog (Subtitles page) and set your preferred subtitle language. This will be applied to all your videos.
To set the preferred subtitle language for a particular TV show, right-click on the video in Mezzmo and click Properties. On the Properties dialog, go to the Subtitles tab and select the subtitles you want streamed and deselect those that you do not want streamed.